Friday 6 March 2015

Week 01- Journal writing

Identifying my learning style

I have been trying many learning methods to study. I have not known what kind of a learner I am and what kind of learning methods suit me for 19 years of my life until I met my Academic Literacy lecturer Ms. Ayami Tennekoon .  In this class I learned that there are 3 different learning styles:

  • 1.       Visual learner.
  • 2.      Auditory learner.
  • 3.      Kinesthetic learner.

Most importantly, according to the quiz we did at class and from some online quizzes, I discovered that I am a kinesthetic learner by getting the highest average mark for this category.

Now I realize why I can’t concentrate during long lectures and tend to walk while studying. This also explains why I like to perform in art and drama as well as why I prefer lessons where we can do something practical.

This realization has helped me to seek out ways to improve my learning. I now aim to use the methods given below, which are suitable for a kinesthetic learner.
  • ·         Researching.
  • ·         Doing practically to understand.
  • ·         Demonstrating practicals.
  • ·         Learning by doing.
  • ·         Doing experiments.

This new understanding of my learning style will make a huge difference in my life I believe. It will change the way I approach to the subject. This will help me to understand the concepts very easily. I intend to develop my academic studies by suing my preferred learning style “Kinesthetic learning”.
It will be a great opportunity to success my degree and as well as my future career. I can easily achieve my goal.

Dunn,R, Beaudry, JS, & Klavas, JS  2002, ‘ What we know about home people learn’, California Journal of Science Education,vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 46-90.


  1. Hi Sachindri!
    You have presented your journal in an attractive and engaging manner. Well done! Sound revisions have also been made based on the feedback received. In all, a good first effort!
    Keep working on refining your style!

  2. A few grammar errors evident. Shall discuss these on Tuesday.

  3. hello Ms. Ayami!
    thank you
    yeah lets discuss it on tuesday.
