Sunday 15 March 2015

Week 02 - Goal setting

Goal setting

After identifying my learning style, my prime objective is to identify my language learning goal. During the 2nd week of our academic literacy class we were taught some strategies to support our goal and how to maintain it.

I think, a goal is a result that a person plans to achieve. My language learning goals are to obtain a high mark in my exams, improving my knowledge and to do well in my studies.

To reach that target I should minimize potential challenges I face. I should make changes or adjustments as my studies progress; So that I won’t be blind-sided in every angle. Managing time is very important, as effective time management will allow me to do my work on time which is vital in goal attainment.  Some other strategies employed by me, are speaking to the lecturers and seniors and seeking their expertise and support. Staying motivated all the time and rewarding myself along with developing my study/research skills will propel me towards my goal.

Completing at least one action per day, making meaningful choices, attending classes daily and getting ready for the lessons before attending the class makes it much easier to reach my destination. Assembling everything I need before I need it and studying day to day work will lead me towards success, when achieving my goal.

O.C Morton 2014, ‘The 5 Steps of SMART Goal Setting’ [image], in THE LEADING EDGE GOLF COMPANY, viewed 15 March 2015, 

CartooningGenius, One-step-at-a-time - goal achieving cartoon doodle video, 14 January, 16 03 2015, <>.

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